Tips to Enhance Productivity in Your Organization with Asynchronous Communication

Help Desk Migration
3 min readApr 14, 2020

We receive a plethora of notifications and messages daily. Finding out what’s important among a flood of notifications and messages can take a lot of time, thereby lowering productivity. To tackle this, we need to refocus attention on what really matters.

A simple solution is to rely on asynchronous communication to assist your team and be more productive. To that end, these are six useful tips that you can use to boost productivity with asynchronous communication.

1. Reassess your communication Styles and Rules

Start by telling members of your organization that it is acceptable not to respond immediately. No one really expects that you respond to every “ hello there “ message quickly. Check if the communication style in your organization embodies the “As soon as possible” atmosphere, and if you think that is the case, adopt a different strategy to see what changes.

2. Batch Respond to Messages

These involve slack messages, emails, or phone calls. Batch responding to messages is more effective as opposed to responding individually to every message.

3. Arrange “no meeting” days

Instead of meetings, schedule one day/week to focus on your projects. If your organization has to meet every day, you can dedicate particular hours for deep focus. For instance, from 10–12, you can work on your tasks, and meetings should only take place in the afternoon.

Set up a timer during these hours and work on one particular task. When the timer runs out, check your emails or notifications. This allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment at completing a crucial task.

4. Cherish emails

Like in the past, we have begun to appreciate the email form of communication again. By design, email is asynchronous, and disconnecting from your mailbox is easier than disconnecting from an instant messaging application.

Ensure your emails feature a clear structure and at least one CTA or question. You can also come up with a numbered list of topics or questions that you require advice on. Keep your mail inbox neat with tags and filters and ensure the newsletters do not divert you from perusing emails that you need to respond to.

You should employ asynchronous communication with customers as well. Using a smart ticketing system is the ideal way to professionally manage the email channel.

5. Improving planning and Redefining Deadlines

Just to come across as productive, we have a tendency to set up deadlines that are quite short.

We should set up deadlines that are convenient for everyone involved. Also, encourage every person to learn how they can better estimate their work together. This way, groups can manage their tasks in a more effective manner.

By openly communicating project status updates, you can combat the false sense of urgency very efficiently. Just say so as early as possible, and honestly, if you will be unable to meet a deadline. In this manner, everyone can assist you with a task that is taking more time than you estimated.

6. Improve Writing

Learn how to communicate more efficiently in writing. With the growth of remote work and asynchronous communication, it is imperative to gain expertise in the skill of business writing.

When you are concise and clear in writing, the individual on the receiving end will not have to spend too much time trying to figure out what you are trying to say. Become used to preparing meeting summaries using action points and prepare materials for individuals who were not present at the meeting.

To boost our focus, we have to figure ways to eliminate distractions and create an environment where we can work most productively.

Asynchronous communication has potential in remote teams as well as the office environment, and following the above-mentioned tips can go a long way in boosting your organization’s productivity.

This is the article from Help Desk Migration blog in brief. Check out the original post about Asynchronous Communication for company’s productivity here.

